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What Are We About?
Since 2003, Kathy Picard has worked tirelessly to raise public awareness about the prevalence and realities of childhood sexual abuse. Using her own experience as a platform, she speaks to public, private, and political audiences---facilitating a dialogue for prevention. Her mantra continues to be empowering individuals at any age through education, acknowledgement, and healing.
For her consistent and concerted efforts towards raising awareness, and for being an active and vocal advocate in the successful reform of the Massachusetts Statute of Limitations laws regarding crimes against children, Kathy was given the William Pynchon Award, an Unsung Heroine Award, and Zonta International's Founder's Day Award.
As we turn our attention to developing resources to reach young minds and start conversations, won't you join us?

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reach out. share. engage.
your voice really does
matter. send an email!
because change starts with
one voice and there is no room
for silence when a child's life and
well being are at stake.
touch our heart to see
more love in action...
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